1. What is Empire of the Summer Moon?In March, I read Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History by S.C.
Posted in Books, Things To Do, Work
1. What is The Infinite Game?In February, I read The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek. The book is an reintroduction, revitalization, and application of James P. Carse’s book, Finite and Infinite
1. What is Tiger Tactics?In January, I read Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms. Tiger Tactics is a book written by five practicing lawyers. It discusses various systems other
Posted in Books, Things To Do
Each January, I make the commitment to read 12 new books during the calendar year — one book a month. I figure, reading a 300-600 page book means only 10 to 20 pages a day. On average, this
Posted in Family, Things To Do, Wildlife
Last night, after a long evening of Minecraft Parkour, we took the boys out west of town to view a once-in-a-millennium event: the comet NEOWISE. The Comet NEOWISE was discovered on March 27, 2020.
Posted in Wildlife
This morning, to my surprise, this little guy was scurrying around my office floor. This is a juvenile Great Plains Skink. As they get older, they change color from this slick black to more of a