The boys will soon start school. Summer is practically over. This may very well go down as the worst summer of our children’s lives. This year has been marked with so much tragedy,
Posted in Life, Things To Do
Monotony. Simply put, it means “lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition and routine.” We all suffer from monotony. We, for the most part, have our waking (and sleeping) lives
Posted in Life
I am the green tendrils that break through the hardened winter soil. I will take what lessons I need from this winter, and turn it into the most vibrant spring. One piece at a time, I will take back
This year’s Fourth of July was a little more low key than usual. We gave each kid $10 to spend at the fireworks stand. That got them both plenty of sparklers, smoke bombs, and snakes to keep
The American Road Trip. The ethereal nature of the open road, zigzagging across landscapes, brings a sense of centering and calmness that is often lost in the drowning maelstrom of the day-to-day.
Posted in Family, History, Life, Things To Do
In April of 2000, I was a Freshman in high school. For a few years prior, I mingled with the Rattlesnake ‘Ranglers of the Shortgrass Rattlesnake Association. I was there, hauling boxes, moving
There was a produce stand at the Rattlesnake Derby this weekend. For a moment, I felt like I was back in Colorado at the farmers market, surrounded by deliciousness. The kids loved the produce stand,
Posted in Autism, Family, Kids, Reviews, Special Needs
Today I got a different kind of bike. It is called a Strider bike, and I lovingly named it “Buddy”. I can’t keep my balance very well, so this bike will help me practice. Riding my Buddy bike