Strider Bike-Kid Review

Today I got a different kind of bike. It is called a Strider bike, and I lovingly named it “Buddy”. I can’t keep my balance very well, so this bike will help me practice. Riding my Buddy bike was way easier than my regular bike. I felt in control.
I have a hard time riding bikes. When I was six, I was diagnosed with Autism. I didn’t know at the time, but I clearly had all of the signs. When I was little, I had my own language and hand moves. I have magnetic squares that I clack to calm myself. When I was three, I had a bike called an “Amtryke” that I could pedal with my hands and feet. That was what I had while other kids used training wheels.
I have Autism, which means my brain was hooked up a little differently. I have unlimited creativity, but I have a hard time with some other things. For example, how many 10 year olds do you know who can program their own video games? Well, I can. But I can’t ride a two wheeled bike just yet. We are all different and have different strengths and weaknesses.
I can never stop feeling the blessing that God gave me that is called Autism. It is part of me. I hope you are happy with yourself too.