A little bit of life…

The last couple of days have been busy. C-man was excited for his jiu-jitsu practice on Friday evening. He has been practicing every day and it has been fun watching his confidence grow and see how happy he is. 10th Planet in Altus is an awesome gym with even more awesome people.

Saturday morning we made a trip to Lawton to run some errands, and on our way home we drove through the Wichita Wildlife Refuge. We were able to see the Buffalo up close this time. The buffalo were sloughing off their winter coats, a task that looks like it would require lots of patience.

When we got back home, we had to check on the birds nest that has been built into one of the beams under our carport. We were excited to see four little eggs nestled inside. Momma bird wasn’t too thrilled with us looking at her eggs, so we left her some birdseed in hopes that she will forgive our curiosity and know we mean no harm.

Corry was given some spicy smoked deer sausage from Louisiana, so on Sunday we threw that on the blackstone with some “not spicy” smoked sausage for the kids, shrimp, peppers and onions. I also made the “tik-tok” tomato and feta bake that I have been loving lately. I’ll drop a link to the recipe here. I don’t follow the exact recipe, but it’s hard to go wrong with tomatoes, olive oil, and cheese.

After dinner, we loaded up the kids and went for a bike ride. C-man got a new bike called a “Strider”. If you have a child with special needs or just difficulty riding a bike, I’ll link a post here that will go more in depth into the bike that C has. You can also read C’s review of the bike here.
C was able to keep up with G on his new bike. It was such a good moment seeing the joy and pride on C’s face. Usually bike rides are hard for C-man, but this new bike made it fun for him.